Thursday, August 23, 2007

Global worming has been ongoing in the history of the earth

In his book titled "Unstoppable Global Warming; every 1500 years", S. Fred Singer and Dennis Avery write that gobal warming has been ongoing every 1,500 years. The gobal warming that has everyone excited is caused by activities of the sun over which mankind has now control.

He cites gobal warming that was higher 2000 years ago, for example, when there did not exist the current industrialiation and auto industry to produce the greenhouse gases seen as causing the problem. He also notes that when the Vikings explored Greenland, it was free of snow and presented a lush green landscape as the reason is was called "Greenland"

In elenmetary school in the 1940s, I was taught that the Northern tier of the United 'States was once buried under several hungred feet of ice as far south as Southern Iowa. Then, waming occured to melt the ice and caused the ice sheet to retreat. A recent PBS program showed how people coming from Europe crossed the Bering Strait on a "land bridge" to the North American continent, and skirted the ice sheet to populate the North Amecerican continent where there was not the industrialization as today.

A bit of reading and reasearch will reveal the perceptual fallacy of global warming as a problem creating by functional illiterates who do not bother to read, and thing for themselves

(taken from The NewYork Sun)

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